Elderberries Smell like Canned Peas!

After harvesting nearly 2 gallons of elderberries this weekend, this line from Monty Python’s Holy Grail came to mind…”Your mother’s a hamster and you father smells of elderberries!” We have a new appreciation of what raw elderberries smell like…canned peas. Like most berries you expect a nice fragrant sweet smell, but no not elderberries. Besides the raw berry smell they taste great when preserved as jam,...

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Connecting with our Food Source

We are mere days from culling our first home grown broilers. And it’s kind of a BIG DEAL. We took the advice of a friend to try Cornish Cross. I am not impressed. Well, by literal definition, that is not entirely true, it has affected and deeply influenced me, just not positively! The purpose of raising our own meat birds was, like many things on our farm, designed to reconnect us with our food source to gain better understanding and...

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