Hunkering Down

Posted by on October 6, 2014 in Chickens, Goats, On the farm

Hunkering Down

I’ve lost the ability to generate my undercoat of cashmere after 5-6 years in the desert southwest… or so it seems as the first near freezing temps hit Charlotte. Luckily my goats are more prepared to survive the cold than I am. brrrrr… but there are still a few things to help them get through the season safely.

As I packed up the summer clothes, busted out the hoodies, the woolies and the booties… my mind wandered to the many months we’ve prepared for our first full winter with the farm and I wondered if we were ready. The list of To Dos always seems longer than when you started, but there are a few safety precautions that both Hoegger Supply and Community Chickens suggest to keep your livestock happy and your barn from burning down that I thought worthy of sharing. Perhaps do this before you plant the last of the brassicas and start counting pies from pumpkins hardly ready for harvest.

I am a huge fan of Community Chickens for preparing backyard chicken owners with the winter basics.

Hoist up the electrical cords, clear out the cobwebs, and be mindful of where you are storing your goods to keep the barn from burning down. I’m terrified of our water heaters, but it is a necessary evil of winter preparedness to ensure your animals stay hydrated in the cold, wintry months. Take it from someone who knows… Kathleen’s story of her barn fire and list of safety precautions.