Phoenix – 2013

LAST SEASON IN PHOENIX – WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES           Arizona Highlands Garden Conference 2013 When: Friday and Saturday October 12, 2013 (8am-5pm) Where: 150 N Plaza Circle, Miami, Arizona 85539   Instructors: Dr. Dave Hamilton and Laura Denyes! October 12, 2013 we will be speaking about poultry at the Arizona Highlands Garden Conference in Globe, AZ Check it out the schedule on...

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Weeds to Remedies: Cheeseweed

Weeds to Remedies: Cheeseweed

Cheeseweed also known as Malva parviflora or little mallow is a common weed found across the United States. It is related to, but not the same as the more commonly known herb marshmallow.  Any of the mallow family herbs will have a demulcent or mucilaginous quality, namely in the roots.  Basically it means the herb is a slippery/slimmy quality to it.  Why is this helpful?  It is wonderful to soothe any of the mucosal linings in our bodies...

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