Welcome to the FAM!

So it just so happens that one of our suspected hens was a roo so as soon as the suspect was confirmed hew as sold to Pratt’s and in his place a handful of chicks and a turkey was added to the flock bringing our total number of poultry to 20! On another good note we’ve been getting at least 2 eggs a day for the past couple weeks and is a sign that the weather is cooling down a bit and “Arizona Fall” is on the...

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Man it’s been awhile!

Well guys it’s been a busy time at the farm…between milking, making cheese, mucking out pens (yay monsoon season), weeding, etc.  And on top of that school, work, and regular maintenance of the house…whew so much to do!Anyways, we’ve tried our hand at a few simple cheeses and working on some plans for a cheese press.So far what we’ve tried so far has been pretty delicious, stuffed shells and ricotta, mozzarella,...

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