Daisy: The Bachelorette

Hey guys we have decided on a herd to go with and have narrowed it down to 4 bucks from this herd…So help us decide who Daisy’s STUD-MUFFIN will be! These guys are from Sacred Spirit Ranch here in AZ…below is more info on the bucks on their website…http://sacredspiritranch.weebly.com/herdsires.html We are planning on breeding Daisy at the end of April and she’ll be with the ranch for 30 days…so help us...

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Daisy the Fugitive…

Well a couple nights ago I arrived home to find Daisy our goat in the house. Not a big deal by any means because we used to let her in the house to watch a movie with us on the couch. But tonight was different our herding pup Drover was in his kennel and couldn’t get Daisy out of the house. Daisy saw this and being smart goat decided to take full liberties in the house. She decided to help herself to the fruit bowl in the kitchen...

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A little history about Nigerian Dwarf Goats

http://www.dairygoatjournal.com/issues/86/86-4/nigerian_dwarf_dairy_goats.html Breed Focus: Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats History in the Making Like many breeds of domestic livestock, the history of the Nigerian Dwarf is incomplete. Through the years and stages of development, records were not always kept, or they were sketchy at best. Developing the history of the breed is much like...

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Introduction to our farm

We are a photographer and naturopathic medical student duo trying our hands at urban farming. Our goal: is to live sustainably, share our experience and bounty with our community. We currently live in a small historic district in central Phoenix. Our footprint is less than 1/6th of an acre shared with 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 Nigerian Dwarf, several chickens, and 1 lame duck Loli. We currently have 20 chicks which we decided to offer sponsorship...

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